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News   |     |   29.03.2021

Vysus Group selected by Aibel to support upgrade and electrification of Oseberg field off Norway

Specialist consultancy Vysus Group (formerly Lloyd's Register Energy), the global engineering and technology company, has been selected to support a lower-carbon future at Equinor's Oseberg gas field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Vysus Group's risk management consultancy team recently secured a contract with the international services company, Aibel, which was awarded a five-year portfolio agreement withEquinor for major project activities to be performed at Oseberg Field Center.

The scope will see Vysus Group perform various safety studies, from hazard identification studies to carrying out consequence modelling and quantitative risk analysis.

The project is designed to maximise gas exports via low-pressure production, while minimising CO2 emissions from what is an energy-intensive process. The work carried out by Vysus Group represents one of several key elements in the front-end engineering and design (FEED) for the Oseberg OGP project.

Remi Martini, Principal Consultant at Vysus Group, said: "We are pleased to continue our longstanding, global relationship with Aibel for risk management consultancy services."

"The work being carried out by Vysus Group at the field is crucial to these types of large modifications, which require approval by the relevant petroleum authorities."

Vysus Group has been involved with the project since the concept stage.

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