
Beyond expectations

We offer specialist asset performance, risk management and project management expertise across major industrial, manufacturing and energy assets. By combining our extensive experience with a hungry intelligence, and by bringing together our passion to collaborate with an inherent curiosity to seek out better solutions, we aim to help our clients to better manage risk and maximise performance.

We are naturally progressive, always seeking to inject commercial insight, innovation and creativity into everything we do. Our world is built on robust and intelligent logic, and we are constantly applying our expertise to push the boundaries and start conversations. For our clients, we act as a reassuring partner, inspiring their progress and encouraging them to look at things differently and reframe their position.

Who we are


Mission and values

Our global reach

Board of Directors

Career testimonials

Our purpose is to help clients manage risk and maximise performance, blending deep technical knowledge and data-driven insights with hands-on expertise. The increasing complexity we are seeing, with the transition and restructuring of the energy markets and the impact of digital transformation across our global energy, complex industrial and transport customers, means our solutions are more relevant than ever. We look forward to working with our clients to deliver on their ambitions. Thomas Aas Saethre, CEO

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