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Case Study

Reducing the gap- achieving 33% cost savings for SCE


Due to commercial interests the client has requested to remain anonymous.


Fixed platforms


Comprehensive maintenance strategies for all critical asset equipment

Client challenge

Our client, an oil and gas operator based in Dubai, required a set of maintenance strategies for their 90 fixed platforms that would improve the safety and management of their Safety Critical Elements (SCE).

How we helped

Our team designed a total of 26 maintenance strategies to enable the implementation of performance standard assurance activities and planned maintenance for offshore SCE equipment. These strategies detailed cost-effective assurance and non-assurance maintenance tasks that helped to minimise the possibility of safety equipment failures. By determining the most effective maintenance and inspection programs, our client could effectively optimise maintenance intervals and ensure safety critical equipment was managed safely and correctly. All prescribed tasks were justified based on a reliability analysis, FMEA, relevant standards and codes of practice.

The maintenance and inspection tasks detailed within the set of strategies were justified on one or more of the following reasons:

  • An assurance activity specified within a performance standard
  • Recommended practice from local/international codes of practice
  • Recommended practice from industry best practice guides
  • Recommended practice from local/international standards

Powerful results

The following savings were achieved:

  • Optimisation of PSV test intervals realised a 33% ($86,500) annualised cost saving for first 3 years of implementation and potential 62% ($161,000) annualised cost savings beyond 3 years.
  • Optimised Fire & Gas detectors test intervals provided a saving of approximately 750 man-hours.

Vysus Group’s maintenance strategies have helped us meet our goal of ensuring safety critical equipment is managed safely and correctly.

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