Asset Integrity Management

Manage asset integrity, performance and reliability at every lifecycle stage, from design to operation and maintenance, late life and decommissioning.


Save up to 50% on asset inspection and maintenance


Increase equipment uptime by 20%


Whether you’re at the design stage or running ageing assets, we’ll help you to safely deliver improved performance by focusing inspection and maintenance where it counts.

As well as fewer costs and greater performance, our clients are able to maximise asset life, often doubling the extension period. You’ll find our approach is highly effective because we have no software bias when determining the probability and consequences of equipment failure.

Track record

Our extensive experience covers the oil and gas, chemical and petrochemical industries. From oil fields, pipelines and storage tanks to refineries, chemical and fertilizer plants, and power stations.

Service breakdown

Our solutions encompass asset life, performance and the environment, as well as market, contractual and regulatory requirements.

  • Software consulting and engineering support for asset performance management (APM) and risk-based inspection (RBI)
  • Mechanical integrity (MI) programme implementation (including RBI)
  • Integrity management strategies/plan implementation and optimisation
  • Process safety management (PSM) implementation and support
  • Inspection optimisation and non-destructive examination (NDT) consulting


  • Cut the risk of failure by 80–95%
  • Reduce inspection points* by 50–90%
  • Save up to 50% on asset inspection and maintenance
  • Restrict opened equipment during shutdown by 30–60%
  • Increase equipment uptime by 20%

    *Compared with a conventional inspection programme (American Petroleum Institute, API).

Case Studies

Design appraisal & code compliance survey

  • 09.05.2024
  • Case Study
  • Infrastructure & Process Industries

CML optimisation for large oil refinery

  • 09.10.2023
  • Case Study
  • Downstream Refining & Processing
More Case Studies

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