Nuclear Academy - PSA Part 1

Level 1 PSA - Internal Events

The purpose of this course is to give participants both a broad overview and a detailed introduction to PSA and its various elements. The focus is on Level 1 PSA and internal events analysis. The course is designed for individuals with little or no experience in PSA. The lectures combine simple theory with interesting practical examples from industry (BWRs and PWRs). These are followed by hands- on practice using RiskSpectrum® PSA software. An overview of the most widely used international references (IAEA, USNRC, CSNI etc.) will be provided for each stage of the internal events analyses.

October 2024 (week 43) - online

Introduction to PSA, History, Aim and Scope

Overview Level 1, 2 and 3 PSA

Standards, Guidelines and Requirements from Regulators

Introduction to IAEA Safety Guide SSG-3 on Level 1 PSA

Level 1 PSA, Internal Events

  • Initiating events analysis
  • Sequence analysis
  • Success criteria
  • Systems analysis
  • Human reliability analysis (HRA)
  • Data analysis
  • Quantification
  • Results presentation and interpretation
  • Dependencies

Hands-on Practice using RiskSpectrum® PSA

  • Introduction to RiskSpectrum
  • Systems analysis (Fault trees)
  • Sequence analysis (Event trees)
  • Interpretation of results

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Terms and conditions

By submitting this form you are committing to pay EUR 3000 per person (excluding VAT) when invoiced.


Cancelling should be notified immediately to us. If the cancellation occurs later than 30 days before the course start the course fee will be charged. The registration can be granted to another person within your company. If so, please notify us so that we can update course certificates etc.

We reserve the right to cancel the training course if less number of participants registers. Such cancellation will be notified to the client within 3 weeks of the first training day.


Copying of course documentation and software is not allowed. This also applies to usage of educational material by third parties. Exceptions, complete or partial, may take place only after agreement with course coordinators within Vysus Group.

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