Kristina Arianson - Department Manager and Principal Consultant

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how sustainable are you daily?

Assuming 5 is the best, I am a 3

2. Give an example of the one thing you do to be sustainable

I avoid eating red meat, and limit the general use of meat to a minimum in our family.

3. Who is your sustainable ‘inspiration’?

My three children. They challenge me every day with simple questions and seeing how the next generation approaches everyday tasks in a more sustainable way, is really inspiring! They will start their search for clothes on – the number one website for buying used items, they order vegetarian burgers at McDonalds, they pick up trash in nature without a second thought, going to the library for books is a weekly activity.

4. What does the world need to become more sustainable right now?

For all of us to consume less – and the more you have/consume, the more you need to cut.

5. What one piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Go for quality, not quantity when shopping

6. Could you live ‘off grid’ for a whole year?

Would love to try!

7. What three sustainable items would you want on a desert island?

A book with endless pages, a wool blanket and seeds

8. If you could rid the world of one thing that is environmentally detrimental, what would it be?

Space tourism

9. What one step could each of us make right now to be more sustainable?

Buy less stuff!

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