Geoff Morrison – CFO

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how sustainable are you daily?

4 – I am guilty of using the car a lot as I am always running late, but I do recycle religiously and hate waste and love turning off appliances etc being a finance guy.

2. Give an example of the one thing you do to be sustainable

I use Too good to go a lot which gives you good food discounted which various companies would bin otherwise but it’s all good things. You can get £40 of food for under £10.

3. Who is your sustainable ‘inspiration’?

As a keen runner I have been impressed that a lot of marathons are now not dishing out loads of single use plastic and the new approach uses paper cups works just fine although everyone hated it at 1st. Simple changes are often right in front of us.

4. What does the world need to become more sustainable right now?

Stop takeaway coffee cups, if you had to take your own everyone would and might also make better local choices where to buy coffee.

5. What one piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Lots on other topics but on sustainability, I would have turned off my TV, CD player, console, lights etc when I was living at home. My parents told me enough but now I realise the cost both financially and for the environment.

6. Could you live ‘off grid’ for a whole year?

I’d love to, I would love to go on Hunted which is based on this premise for a month. I am not sure it is realistic though with a young family and responsibilities.

7. What three sustainable items would you want on a desert island?

My family, running kit (most is made from recycled plastic now) and a reusable water bottle.

8. If you could rid the world of one thing that is environmentally detrimental, what would it be?

All the wires and chargers we seem to end up with – there has to be a better system, one universal charger for all.

9. What one step could each of us make right now to be more sustainable?

Think twice before shopping – do you really need it? No one dies worrying about the things they didn’t buy.

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