Dawn Rowan - Communications & Engagement Manager

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how sustainable are you daily?

I’d say 3 – we do try but there is definitely room for improvement.

2. Give an example of the one thing you do to be sustainable

We recycle a lot – and I was given the best Mother’s Day present when my children (aka my husband) bought me a SodaStream to help feed my sparkling water habit while reducing the use of plastic bottles.

3. Who is your sustainable ‘inspiration’?

Sir David Attenborough – still inspiring folks across all generations at 96-years-old.

4. What does the world need to become more sustainable right now?

Accelerate the reduction of single use plastics and other materials that go to landfill.

5. What one piece of advice would you give your younger self?

Walk more instead of asking for lifts everywhere.

6. Could you live ‘off grid’ for a whole year?

No, I don’t think I could for a whole year.

7. What three sustainable items would you want on a desert island?

A waterproof book, water bottle and my family to keep me sane or at least entertained.

8. If you could rid the world of one thing that is environmentally detrimental, what would it be?

Non-biodegradable wet wipes.

9. What one step could each of us make right now to be more sustainable?

Think before we do little things – do we need to take the car, do we need lights on, can we use a recyclable container instead of cling film etc.

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