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News   |     |   01.02.2023

Nuclear Academy courses 2023

Our Nuclear Academy team has announced the first courses to run in 2023.

Register your interest with the form below.

We offer a comprehensive training programme in Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) aimed at professionals working in the risk management sector. The programme includes an introductory and advanced course, as well as a range of specialised PSA modules.

PSA Part 1, due to run in March, gives participants both a broad overview and a detailed introduction to PSA. It is designed for individuals with little or no experience in PSA, with lectures followed by practical industry examples.

PSA Part 2 is expected to run in May and will cover more specific PSA topics, for individuals with some experience in PSA. It also combines theory with practical examples.

In addition to the two set courses, which are delivered face-to-face in Stockholm, Sweden, we can also provide specialised training covering:

  • PSA applications
  • Seismic PSA
  • Human reliability analysis
  • Internal fire PSA
  • Internal flooding PSA
  • Data analysis, analysis of dependencies and CCF

Bespoke training can also be delivered, at the client’s premises if required.

You can find out more about our Nuclear Academy or contact one of our technical team, here – Nuclear Academy (PSA Training) | Vysus Group.

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