News   |     |   17.10.2014

Emergency preparedness and response services.

Cooperation with Falck Nutec creates full-range emergency preparedness and response services

Falck Nutec, experts in emergency response training and crisis management, recently entered into a cooperation agreement with Vysus Group Consulting that will provide a unique and comprehensive portfolio of services to the wider energy industry. According to Arve Sandve, business development manager, this agreement will enable Falck Nutec and Vysus Group Consulting to provide a full range of services from emergency preparedness analysis to emergency response planning and crisis management training.

Emergency preparedness planning and training is crucial in order to safeguard humans, the environment and material assets from adverse effects in case of unintended incidents. Vysus Group Consulting has supported the wider energy industry for more than 40 years with emergency preparedness analysis and supplementary services forming the foundation for developing a company's emergency response capabilities. Likewise, Falck Nutec's experts and training facilities have provided expertise in preventing, managing and learning from critical situations. On the agreement, Anette Unneberg, VP Risk and Crisis Management commented: "By joining forces, we have strengthened our expertise in Human Factors which is crucial for the understanding of human behaviour and response during crisis and emergency situations."

For more information please contact Jason Knights

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