Case Study

Reducing accidents with an improved focus on safety


Reduction in accident rates in year one


The client develops and manufactures new chemical material, energy savings and environmental friendly building material in China.

Within the chemical industry in China, there is still often a lack of a full safety culture, and focus on risk management within businesses, particularly due to there being no government pressure or regulations to abide by. Companies are therefore left to develop and implement their own varying procedures. This lack of regulations and priority on safety was leading to poor safety management systems for the client, as well as a poor overall safety culture. This was all contributing to safety incidents and unexpected downtime, as well as damage to assets, and accidents occurring regularly.

The consequence for the client if these incidents were not resolved was going to leading to more and more accidents occurring, and a risk that this could even lead to loss of life. The lack of safety management and awareness throughout the company was also restricting the development of the company, as accidents were slowing progress and leading to a lot of downtime.

How we helped

Our first activity for the client was to identify all the different types of hazards of their installations, this incorporated carrying out safety analyses for installations in service, Hazard Identification, HAZOP, Quantitative risk assessment (QRA), and their safety integrity level (SIL) to reduce their initial risk.

We then worked with the client to develop and improve their safety culture throughout the whole company, to ensure leading the way in delivering safety performance that goes beyond the integrity of assets, systems and procedures.

We helped develop, analyses and train the whole organisation in safety best practices, and helped them ensure that safety becomes a priority in everything they do. This was done by working in their factories and directly with staff, and included:

  • Carrying out training with their employees, in risk management methodology, risk analyses technology.
  • Redeveloping their emergency planning procedures and
  • helping them develop and establish some HSE documents

This helped them to start to change and improve their overall safety culture throughout the entire company.

The impact

A better safety culture and safety management system is now up and running for the client, ensuring safety is a priority for all, reducing accident rates and reducing the amount of downtime due to accidents and incidents. All employees now have a better understanding of the importance of a safety culture, understanding what clear safety improvement priorities are, as well as how to implement and manage safety in all situations.

Through these changes the accident rate was reduced by about 90% in year one. Some installations also achieving a Zero Accident Rate. Low accident rate also meant reduction of lost time, resulting in huge savings for the client.


A robust safety culture supporting:

  • Safer operations, reducing their exposure to risk from accidents and associated potential litigation, regulatory enforcement, loss of productive and damage to public reputation.
  • Improved reporting of incidents and near-misses
  • Accident rate reduced by about 90% in year one
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