Case Study

Ensuring business continuity for critical data centre infrastructure

Developing and living up to an ISO 22301 certified business continuity management system


Bulk Infrastructure AS


Construction and operation of data centre infrastructure


Robust business continuity management system. ISO certification.

Client Challenge

Our client, Bulk Infrastructure AS is a leading provider of sustainable digital infrastructure in the Nordics. They rent out and operate data centre infrastructure, providing services such as security and technical support.

Providing access to, and ensuring integrity of, critical information assets such as servers is critical from a business performance perspective. Such criticality warrants strict service level agreements (SLAs) and demanding requirements in terms of up-time, for example power and cooling supply and security levels. A robust business continuity management system was required to demonstrate the ability to overcome disruptive incidents as quickly, and as efficiently, as possible.

How we helped

We developed a business continuity management system structure, in accordance with the requirements of the standard ISO 22301:2014. This management system was then integrated into the existing corporate management system. We supported our client with organisation wide implementation, ensuring personnel understood and adopted the new requirements and procedures.

A key element of the implementation was demonstration through scenario planning of real potential disruptive events.

Our process involved:

  • Gap analysis to determine which aspects of the ISO standard were already partially/fully incorporated in the existing corporate management system.
  • Development and implementation of the business continuity model. Three main phases:
    • Business Impact Assessment (identifying critical functions and max. acceptable downtime for those individually)
    • Risk Assessment (determining what threatens the continuity of the critical functions and what is the likelihood and consequence of those materializing)
    • Business Continuity Planning (addressing through concrete action plans realistic scenarios that may lead to disruption of critical functions)
  • We mapped business continuity policies, objectives and procedures, for example how to manage suppliers deemed critical from a business continuity perspective, through to training and testing of plans and which templates and risk assessment tools would be best suited.
  • Establish a business continuity organisation (who and how) ensuring adequate escalation possibilities and authority in case of disruptive events.
  • Training and testing sessions with key personnel, internal and external.
  • Supported the client's organisation through the ISO certification process and subsequent surveillance audits.

Powerful results

  • A robust business continuity management system that demonstrates the ability to overcome disruptive incidents as quickly, and as efficiently, as possible.
  • ISO certification achieved and compliant.

This project was carried out by Lloyd’s Register (LR) Energy, prior to the strategic carve out of the LR Energy business in 2020, which is now Vysus Group.

Delivering continuous world class data centre services to our clients is our priority. Lloyd's Register [now known as Vysus Group] has not only helped us successfully integrate business continuity within our corporate management system, but has also helped us develop a mindset and embed a culture that helps us to mitigate and if necessary overcome and disruption promptly.

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