Risk Based Management

Identify, assess and control your organisation’s threats and risks.


An effective risk management system reduces your exposure to risk from accidents and potential litigation, regulatory enforcement, loss of productivity and damage to public reputation. Our Risk-based Management solutions achieve two important things. They ensures asset, public and personal risks are properly identified and controlled. And they enhance your business performance by driving a process of continuous improvement.

Our support covers financial and digital assets, legal liabilities, strategic management, accidents and natural disasters. We also have extensive experience of conducting due diligence, verification, legal compliance and business assurance audits.

Our approach

We manage our clients' Health, safety, security and environment (HSSE) matters by:

  • developing and implementing HSSE management systems, including the policy, organisational structure, safety responsibilities, and supporting processes and procedures
  • advising on relevant standards and regulations, and how these affect an organisation
  • defining and setting safety and risk targets and other key safety performance indicators
  • validating the safety of organisational changes and changes to a safety management system
  • auditing, monitoring and reviewing the performance of safety management systems.

Service breakdown:

Asset Integrity Management

Our specialist expertise and practical guidance provides cost reductions, increased equipment uptime, adjusted planning to manage facility and operational changes, improved condition monitoring techniques for extended component life, and asset life extension.

Barrier Management

We develop systems and tools to measure and verify the performance of safety critical elements and barriers. We’ll help ensure that your risks are identified, and solutions are working and well-maintained throughout your facility’s lifetime.

Emergency preparedness planning (EPA)

Safeguard lives, the environment and material assets from the adverse effects of a crisis. We’ll make sure that your emergency response plans on your installation reflects the findings from risk assessments and operational risks.

Incident/Accident Investigation

Safety Case

Our safety cases are supported by robust evidence to justify and document that your assets are safe for any specific application or regulatory environment.


We provide quality, health, safety, security and environmental (QHSSE) audits and verification support. You will have an integrated set of risk management services to help meet best practice in process safety, technical safety and human factors risk management.


  • Reduce the exposure to risks from accidents
  • Make informed decisions to verify how performance and efficiency goals can be met
  • Avoid asset failures with improved design solutions
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