Working in partnership for a common goal

Vysus Group’s Planit22 campaign goes beyond company objectives – it is how we adapt our methods to facilitate the energy transition. In order for this to be successful, there must be an improvement in global cooperation.

Catherine Reynolds, our Key Account Manager, Asset Management Consulting, expresses how collaboration lies at the heart of Vysus Group.

Collaboration, to me, is working together in partnership to achieve a common goal for the benefit of all involved. It is key to what we do, and the very nature of the services we provide as an engineering consulting business.

Vysus Group’s services are wide ranging, so our clients gain access to the full set of skills and capabilities we possess. We are able to manage our customers’ requirements as our service lines work closely together as part of our proactive approach.

Many of the services we provide are required by the same industry and the same customers, so we have to collaborate to be able to meet their individual needs.

In order to implement this, we work across discipline, geography and industry, allowing us to work in synergy to achieve the desired outcome.

As well as collaborating internally within Vysus Group, the nature of our consulting work requires us to collaborate and work in partnership within our client organisations to achieve their objectives. By lending others our expertise, it creates the best opportunity for both short and long-term success.

An example of this would be our asset performance management health check workshops, which help our clients balance cost, risk and opportunities. By getting the experts such as the maintenance managers and engineers to collaborate together in one place, the areas of improvement become clear, and we are able to strengthen capabilities.

These workshops are across industrial sectors - from oil and gas to nuclear energy and utility businesses. Projects like this have significant value as you are able to clearly see the gaps and deficiencies but also areas of excellence. Collaboration is vital in consolidating an organisation’s strengths and identifying areas for improvement.

In order to support the global energy transition, we have to think innovatively. Rather than reinventing the wheel independently, which would be inefficient, we need to work together and combine the knowledge we have.

This way we can meet the common goal of net-zero through the most efficient means of resources.

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