Power Infrastructure

Delivering cost-effective survey engineering services and engineered solutions for energy and power transmission and distribution facilities.

Our established suite of survey engineering services and engineered solutions for energy and power transmission and distribution facilities will help you help manage risk and give you increased confidence for the long-term sustainability of your operations.

Our services include:


We are focused on delivering a diversified portfolio of survey and data management services to the oil and gas pipeline industry.

Electric Utilities

We are a leading provider of expertise in the planning and design of high-voltage electrical transmission lines, substations and associated electrical distribution facilities.

Power Producers

We provide comprehensive integrated support services to wind, tidal, and hydro power producers.


We deliver specialized data management, application development and related GIS support services to municipalities.

We believe that successful projects are founded on detailed planning, sound technical judgment, thorough understanding of the goal, careful and systematic field and office work, and a genuine regard for the client’s needs. Our surveyors and engineers provide a full range of services and ensure that every situation is addressed in a professional, timely and cost-effective manner.

For more information please see our website.

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