Pipeline Solutions

We help you manage and improve the design, construction, operation and integrity of your onshore and offshore pipeline projects and network.


We understand the significance of pipelines and the crucial role they play as a conduit across multiple phases of the lifecycle and transmission of oil and gas. It’s vital that flowlines, risers, subsea and onshore pipelines are designed properly, constructed appropriately, maintained according to regulations and to achieve maximum lifespan during operation then conscientiously decommissioned.

Failures and unnecessary repairs undoubtedly impact negatively on the environment, your production schedule, flow of materials, and project and operational costs, as pipeline experts, we help you mitigate this.

Our enviable suite of pipeline services and solutions promote conformance with standards, enhance productivity, identify and reduce risk associated with each phase of the pipeline lifecycle, reduce failures, unplanned shutdowns and costs and demonstrate regulatory compliance. Ultimately, we help you safeguard your revenue stream, whilst protecting the environment, lives, assets and your reputation.

We ensure the success of the early stages of your project, delivering design appraisals, surveys, and cost analysis. To help you achieve reliable operations and safely extend the life of your pipeline and system, we provide flow assurance; integrity and risk assessments; analysis of the pipeline, physical environment, stakeholder and regulatory requirements.

Whether you’re planning or constructing new pipelines, addressing new delivery points or safely extending the life of an aging pipeline network, we have the expertise.


  • Increase project plan accuracy
  • Reduce interventions
  • Reduce failures and shutdowns
  • Optimise maintenance regimes
  • Improve HSE performance
  • Identify cost and potential losses associated with failure and degradation
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