Repurpose of infrastructure for energy transition (hydrogen, CCUS , LNG and renewables)

The repurposing of infrastructure for energy transition involves transforming existing infrastructure assets to support and accelerate the shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources and technologies. This repurposing process aims to maximise the value of existing infrastructure while facilitating the transition to a low carbon energy system.

Vysus supports operators in the energy sector seeking to repurpose existing infrastructure with analysis and assessment of suitability, viability and comparative assessments.

Assessments include:

Adapting fossil fuel infrastructure: Repurposing existing fossil fuel infrastructure, such as coal-fired power plants, oil refineries, and natural gas pipelines, involves converting them to accommodate cleaner energy sources or technologies. This may include retrofitting power plants to use renewable energy sources like biomass, solar, or wind, repurposing oil refineries to produce biofuels or hydrogen, or converting natural gas pipelines to transport renewable gases like biogas or hydrogen.

Decommissioning and repurposing of outdated infrastructure: Decommissioning and repurposing outdated or obsolete infrastructure to support renewable energy development or sustainable land use practices.

Hybrid energy systems: Integrating multiple energy sources and technologies into hybrid energy systems that leverage existing infrastructure assets. For example, combining renewable energy sources with energy storage systems and backup generators to create hybrid microgrids or distributed energy systems that can provide reliable and resilient power supply to remote or off-grid communities.

Carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) and storage (CCS): Retrofitting existing industrial facilities or power plants with carbon capture technology to capture and sequester carbon emissions, or repurposing captured CO2 for beneficial uses such as enhanced oil recovery, carbon-based products manufacturing, or carbon utilisation in industrial processes.

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