News   |     |   22.12.2022

Vysus Group completes divestment of Senergy Wells business

Vysus Group has completed the divestment of its Senergy Wells business to Elemental Energies, a wells-focused energy consultancy.

David Clark, Vysus Group CEO, said: "Vysus Group continues to expand and develop its offering, delivering high-value technical consultancy services to our global customer base. While Senergy Wells has continued to grow throughout 2022, the activity mix does not align with our longer-term core strategy, and we believe the business will prosper more effectively under the ownership of a company fully focused in the wells management sector.

“We're proud of the legacy and history and strong market recognition that the Senergy Wells business has delivered in recent years and we wish the team every success in this next chapter. Elemental Energies is an ideal home for both the team and the clients we have worked with, which will now be supported by Elemental.”

Elemental Energies, a privately owned company, has been launched to bring together world-leading wells expertise to solve complex challenges in both oil and gas, decommissioning and low carbon sectors – specifically carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS), and geothermal projects.

The acquisition will see the full Senergy Wells team transition to Elemental Energies over the coming weeks. Clients will continue to be supported by the same long-term engineering specialists.

For further information about Elemental Energies, visit

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