COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) and SEVESO are regulatory frameworks designed to prevent and control the risks associated with major accidents involving dangerous substances.

COMAH requires operators to demonstrate that they have taken all necessary measures to prevent or mitigate the impact of major accidents to the environment (MATTE). Operators must provide environmental risk assessments as part of their COMAH safety reports. This is a new duty for operators as previous CIMAH reports only required health and safety risk assessments.

For COMAH site operators in the UK it is essential to conduct an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) using the Chemical and Downstream Oil Industries Forum (CDOIF) guidance. This guidance document, ‘Environmental Risk Tolerability for COMAH Establishments’, has been recognised by the COMAH Competent Authority as the benchmark standard.

Vysus environmental consultants are experienced in the CDOIF methodology, having supported a number of our COMAH clients in a range of industrial sectors through their assessments since the implementation of the CDOIF guidance document.

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