Career testimonial - Annabel Dawson

Annabel Dawson

Principal Consultant 

Aberdeen, UK

1. Can you give us a brief overview of your day-to-day role?

I'm a Principal Consultant with the risk management team here at Vysus in Aberdeen. I'm currently working with a local client on a North Sea wells decommissioning project. I support them with all aspects of technical safety and risk management. This means my role is really varied! Some days I'll be working on a particular safety management study, such as looking at how the decommissioning spread will interact with host installation equipment, and what this means in terms of safety management and regulatory compliance. At other times, I will be involved with running hazard management workshops. For some very specialist scopes, such as human factors and ergonomics, I'll bring a subject matter expert colleague into the project, and work alongside them. As project manager, I'm also keeping an eye on manhours and budget, deadlines and deliverables.

2. What do you most enjoy about your role and the team you work with?

I really enjoy the variety in my day-to-day work, and I get to work with a wide range of talented people. I enjoy applying risk and safety management techniques and approaches to different scenarios; this means that even though I have worked in the energy industry for 20 years, I am still learning every day!

I work with a friendly, approachable and experienced team. We all work in different locations and on different projects, but we stay in regular contact every week. After I started here last year, I quickly felt very much part of the team!

3. What would you say to anyone thinking about a career with Vysus?

The team spirit is high-trust and upbeat. There's a good mix of being able to really take responsibility for your own work, and work independently, yet always with the support, knowledge and experience of the wider team to draw from. Every colleague I have met is enthusiastic about their work, willing to share their knowledge, and support the team.

Annabel Dawson cropped
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