Article   |     |   27.01.2022

Hybrid energy solutions pose significant challenges for a traditional power grid.

How system strength remediation and co-ordinated approach to compliance can overcome challenges.

Hybrid energy solutions which pose significant challenges for a traditional power grid.


I'm Shilpa Karri, and I'm the manager for Australia and Malaysia Grid teams advisors group and Principal Engineer leading our power grid advisory services.

Many renewables energy developers are facing increasing network constraints which is resulting in additional upgrades, higher costs, and more regulation.

System strength requirements are forcing the renewable project developers into considering hybrid solutions as the cost of reactive support requirements for a wind or solar project are being challenged by the costs for a staged hybrid solution.

At Vysus Group we offer our clients guidance on systems strength mediation and future constraint dispatch risk. Our coordinated approach to compliance and an ability to anticipate problems can help you to achieve your net zero carbon emissions.


projects supported globally since the early 2000s

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