a. EnMS Energy Management System (ISO 50001)

Vysus supports organisations seeking to develop an Energy Management System (EnMS) as part of their desire to improve operational efficiency and reduce their environmental impacts. An EnMS based on ISO 50001 is a systematic framework designed to help organizations improve energy performance, increase energy efficiency, and reduce energy consumption and related costs.

The key components developed as part of the EnMS are:

Energy policy: Establishing an energy policy that outlines the organisation's commitment to energy management, energy efficiency improvement, and compliance with applicable energy-related laws and regulations.

Energy planning: Conducting an energy review to identify significant energy uses, energy sources, energy consumption patterns, and opportunities for energy efficiency improvements. Developing energy performance indicators, energy baselines, and energy performance targets to track progress and measure performance.

Legal and regulatory compliance: Ensuring compliance with relevant energy laws, regulations, codes, standards, and other requirements applicable to the organization's operations. This includes staying informed about changes in energy legislation and maintaining records of compliance activities.

Energy performance improvement: Implementing energy efficiency measures, energy conservation practices, and energy-saving technologies to reduce energy consumption, optimize energy use, and minimize energy waste. This may involve upgrading equipment, improving processes, modifying behaviours, and investing in renewable energy sources.

Training and awareness: We provide training, education, and awareness programs to client’s employees to increase understanding of energy management principles, promote energy efficiency practices, and encourage participation in energy conservation initiatives.

Measurement and monitoring: Establishing systems and procedures to monitor, measure, and analyse energy performance data. This includes collecting energy consumption data, analysing energy use trends, identifying energy-saving opportunities, and tracking progress towards energy performance targets.

Continual improvement: We support clients to implement processes for continual improvement of the EnMS based on KPI’s, management review outcomes, audit findings, corrective actions, preventive actions, and changes in internal and external factors affecting energy performance. This involves setting objectives, supporting implementation action plans, monitoring progress, and revising strategies as needed to achieve energy efficiency goals.

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